Lughnasadh – the fire portal

Lughnasadh (2nd August) is a Celtic festival and the first of the three harvest celebrations, the others being the autumn equinox and Samhain. Named after the Celtic god Lugh, it is a reminder that we all walk with the position of the sun, Lugh being one of the sun gods. It is one of the four fire portals and marks the midpoint between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox.
This portal is a celebration of the abundance of nature. It is the time when we begin the harvest of flowers, fruits, and herbs and their transformation into herbal tinctures, syrups, and condiments, medicine, and nourishment for the winter months. For our personal journey, it is an invitation to take a moment to reflect on our personal journey before we begin preparation for the autumn season.
What is Lughnasadh (Lughnasa or Lammas)?
Lughnasa is one of the four fire portals, the others being Samhain, Imbolc, and Beltane. Each one marks the midpoint between the solstices and equinoxes and is, therefore, an important moment on the cyclical journey around the seasons (Wheel of the Year). In the teaching of the wisdom of the season, the fire portals are the moment when we begin our connection with the coming season by reflecting on and journeying with the seasonal wisdom codes. It also serves as a reminder that summer will be coming to an end.
This year, Lughnasadh is very close to the New Moon (only two days later). This constellation offers a powerful portal to ignite new practices or engage and commit to a deeper inner journey, lending its powerful energy to supporting your choices and intentions.
“The seasons carry a wisdom which inspires us to make positive changes in our lives.”
– Gita
Wisdom codes of this season
In the wisdom of the seasons teachings, the autumn season is a season of transitioning, and the teaching of what happens when we are in transition is one of the most important aspects of that time. Preparing us for the dynamic of change and moving from one to the other is important and should be done before the autumn equinox energy sweeps us up..
Summer offers us a perfect time to do so. We are on holidays, our routine has changed, and we get some time in nature to reflect on what we want and align our plans and activities with our soul’s desire.
What is it that is currently ripening in your life? What are you ready to harvest? What nourishes you, and what would you like to establish stronger to carry through autumn into the winter season? This is the time to commit to new ways of going deeper into meeting your inner wisdom.
This is a great opportunity for meditation, to find our center, to rest, get clarity and receive divine wisdom.
Lughnasadh is the first of three harvest festivals. Ask yourself this: What do you hope to reap between now and Samhain, the last of the autumn festivals and the transition into winter? You can find more information in the free document From Lughnasadh to Samhain – A Sacred Dance with Nature.
“When we connect to the teaching of the seasons and mother nature, and when we invite sacred moments into our daily routine, we bring magic back into our life.
– Gita
How to prepare autumn and the season of transitioning!
Transitioning is characterized by movement and change. The autumn change includes the ending of a cycle, bringing things to completion, and therefore is always subject to an emotion of sadness which wants to be accommodated and processed. A daily regular practice ensures that we stay focused and centered in our journey. Daily practice helps us to avoid getting swept away by either the movement of change or the emotional change that comes with it.
Create your personal autumn ritual
The wisdom and inspiration which is offered to us in this autumn season could fill books and hours of conversation. Over the years, inspired by the questions and comments of my students, I have put together many resources through which you can get inspired.
Some are simple and encourage a daily short practice, others will carry you deeper and open the door to a journey towards your inner knowing.
Autumn Ritual Box
Integrate a daily practice
In the Shamanic Journey circle groups and in the Wisdom of the seasons in-person and online workshops, we pay a lot of attention to creating a daily practice. For it is only through daily practice and inspiration that we can be fully present and autonomous in our life.
Make a visualisation to connect and center yourself – Get a free recording
- Practice the silent meditation – Find a short “Instruction to silent meditation”
Meditation is a lifelong journey which should be done regularly.
The art to create a ritual is a simple act of being present and connecting to spirit and your inner wisdom. It is an act of honouring yourself and your connection with your integrity.
I would encourage you to find ways of making ritual relevant to your personal needs and the needs of your community. Your intention is what counts.
Throughout your practice, hold your intention with clarity in your heart and mind.
Why should we celebrate the fire portals, the solstices, and equinoxes?
The Wheel of the Year is a symbolic and cyclical representation of the changing seasons and the natural rhythms of life. Rooted in ancient traditions, this concept divides the year into eight distinct festivals, each marking a significant point in the annual cycle.
As we honour this mystical circle, we align with the energies of the Earth, absorbing the lessons whispered by the wind, the warmth of the sun, and the changing landscapes, acknowledging the sacred dance of life’s perpetual renewal.
In celebrating the Wheel of the Year, we find ourselves not only in communion with the natural world but also on a deeply spiritual initiation. The rituals and traditions woven into each turn of the Wheel become a mirror reflecting our own inner transformations, between the soul and the cycles of existence. This journey invites you to listen, learn, and harmonize with the timeless wisdom of nature.
Connect to your community
The path towards inner wisdom and discovery of ourselves is a path which, ultimately, we have to journey on our own. Knowing who you are and what gift you carry is revealed in this path of discovery of the Self. It brings sovereignty and autonomy.
Community is the way we nourish ourselves on this journey. We find safety in the sacred circle with others and inspiration when we listen to their own discoveries.
Journey the medicine wheel and discover the wisdom of the seasons, a 1-year online programm. You can follow the program at your own pace, with access to additional inspirations and in-person support when needed. Once you have completed the one-year cycle, you will have a new vision and understanding of your life and your relationships. This teaching will inspire and nourish your live journey.
- Join the community The witches cauldron on FB to have access to hours of video, inspiration to your own journey and an opportunity to join the conversations on different subjects and teachings.
- Sign up to the newsletter to stay tuned for offers and opportunities, recipes, and inspirations.
- Get inspired by Instagram reels and stories filled with sparks.
May this autumn season bring abundance and joy into your journey of self-discovery and open your heart to be nourished with a deep sense of presence.