A one-year online program
Learn to walk the path of the medicine wheel
Be inspired! Be alive! Be free!
Step into right relationship with nature and your inner cycles. Learn how to create regular and sustainable daily ritual, tailored to your needs, deepening your connection and understanding of the gift you carry. Bring positive change to the way you are present in your life.
What if today changed everything? This is for you if today you choose to:
- receive abundant flow of inspiration and energy
re-connect to your inner cycle
align your journey to the wisdom codes of nature
- bring sacred ritual into every day of your life
claim stewardship of your journey
link arms with others and together create the reality you want, for yourself, your family and your tribe.
Join and transform your life!
Does this strike a chord?
Your life’s demands (your work, family, changeable hours, holding space for others) are getting in the way of regular time to connect to yourself and be present.
You feel you want to get into deeper connection with yourself, but don’t quiet not know how to begin.
You are holding space, you are the motivator, you are there for others. And when it comes to your own practice you lag energy and motivation.
- Focusing is sometimes difficult. Where to begin? How long should my practice be? You know what to do but you procrastinate. You have plenty of motivation but not enough energy to get into it.
You would like to participate in some programs, but your schedule gets in the way.
- When you do practice you feel something is missing.

“True freedom comes from within! Knowing who you are allows you to make your choices free from expectations of others.”
You get to reclaim who you are!

The Teachings of the Pagan Medicine Wheel
We learn by experience! In this program, you will learn by experiencing the teachings of the medicine wheel firsthand and applying them directly to your life.
I will take you into the journey with the season and help you to regain your own journey, bring ritual into your life and connect to the sacred circle with nature.
The rhythms of the seasons are mirrored in your life. You get to ignite an abundant flow of inspiration in your own practice and in the way you turn up for yourself and others. Through deepening reflections and practical experience this one-year self-paced journey brings ease and flow to your life.
The wider community offers a sacred circle to be held in, as you discover how to listen to the subtle voice within, build confidence in your intuition and trust your vision. You learn how to engage when you feel anxious, triggered, or lonely. When to let go and how to find strength to persevere. How to identify and release old patterns and how to step into right relationship with your helping spirits.
The pagan calendar follows the 13 moons cycles and the celebration of the cycles of the sun, marked by the solstices and equinoxes, which announce the height of each season. The seasons begin and end midway between the solstices and the equinoxes.
Spring – Imbolc
February 2nd
Spring inspires new beginnings and invites us to sow the seeds of new intentions or projects.
Summer – Beltane
May 1st
Summer is the time when everything blossoms. This season brings us to full growth and invites us to discover, follow and live our passions.
Automn – Lugnasad
August 2nd
Autumn is associated with abundance. It offers us the opportunity to reap the results of our actions and inspires transformation and rebirth.
Winter – Samhain
October 31
Winter calls us to go within and connect with our soul. To settle down in deep silence to replenish ourselves.
What you will receive…
As you begin to walk with the seasons and discover the wisdom within each, you will:
- Discover your place in life
- Get to know your strength and the gifts you carry
- Connect with nature
- Reveal your inner wisdom
- Strengthen your intuition
- Unleash your creativity
- Create lasting habits that align with your true purpose.
By saying YES to this journey, you:
- Have access to the online program with videos, worksheets, inspiration, and personal assistance to help you on your journey.
- Be part of a community, meeting people who are going through the same experience as you. Gain, support, inspiration and accountability along the way.
- Join a sacred circle of inspiration and sharing.
This is not just a course; it’s a year-long commitment to your growth and transformation. By immersing yourself in this experience, you’ll have the time and support to make lasting changes.
You learn how to find your way home when you get lost and how to find the place you have come to take in your life and in your relationships.

What others said about the program!
How does it work?

This online program is offered in 5 modules over a period of one year. It is accessible directly on our website through a private login. Once your purchase is complete, you will be invited to create your account and you will have immediate access o the ‘Introduction to the Medicine Wheel’ module.
Your walk on the Medicine Wheel path will begin at the opening portal of the next season. You will simply join the season on either of the dates below.
You can work with the material provided in your own time. You have access to the group chats either live or on replay and a communication portal is open to receive inspirations from Gita and the group.
Introduction to the Medicine Wheel
As soon as you buy
February 2
May 1st
August 2
October 31
What is the content?
Introduction to the Medicine Wheel Module
- Introduction to the Medicine Wheel video
- PDF documents and worksheets:
- Vision and intentions
- Worksheet – Wisdom of the seasons
- The wheel of the year (visual, follow the wheel, path of the season, your wheel)
- Deepening material which includes daily journal and relevant topics on creating momentum
- Group call dates and zoom links
- Sacred Circle (regular inspirations to support your journey)
- Video on the teachings of the season
- PDF documents and worksheets:
- Roadmap of your journey
- Journey reflection and intentions
- Celebrating your season – your thoughts and experiences
- Deepening material which includes daily journal and relevant topics on each season’s focus
- Group call dates and zoom links
- Sacred Circle (regular inspirations to support your journey)
- Recordings of visualizations and shamanic drumming with recall and chants
- Sharing of inspirations related to the teaching of the season and ideas for your seasonal ritual
- Access to a private online group on Facebook to share your experience and discoveries and benefit from the energy of the circle
- Free monthly participation in the SHAMANIC JOURNEY circle online or in person
- 1-2-1 coaching to answer your questions and provide you with support (1 x 30min per season)

1-year online program
Sign up now and begin right away with the introduction module and your journey of the medicine wheel with the teaching of the winter season.
Embark on this inner journey to the rhythm of the seasons!
1 investment
Fees: $1 250 $+ tax
Fees: $ 999 $+ tax*
* Finishes on Sunday 2nd February 2025 at midnight
4 investments
$325+ tax
x 4
Bonus! Included you receive free access to HOW TO JOURNEY course – INITATION and online journey groups.