The Raven Spirit and Sacred Lore

The Raven Spirit and Sacred Lore

The raven is one of the creatures surrounded by a wealth of lore and mythology. It is cloaked in seeming opposites, embodying both birth and death, and is associated with mysticism and magic. The raven stands for prophecy and serves as a messenger from the unseen realms, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge. Known as an omen of death and destruction, the raven guides us into the darkness to bring forth the light. Each journey into the dark helps us develop the ability to manifest light, which is the essence of creation. When the raven appears, doors open between the worlds.
We are reminded that death is always a part of life, and death leads to rebirth. The great goddess Morrigan shapeshifts into a raven to bring forth her medicine. She is a powerful archetype of the sacred feminine and initiates us into the Awakening—the journey of the dark goddess.

The raven stands for wisdom and magic

The raven, a scavenger, symbolizes transformation and teaches us how to face death and war in order to bring forth life and order. Ravens are omens that announce deep healing and initiation—a death of something that gives birth to something new.


Raven offers the gift of prophecy. When we face overwhelming challenges, the raven guides us in accessing our own inner strength.

If the raven has entered your life, expect magic.

The raven represents prophecy and insight

The pagan tradition

Raven can bring parts of us out of the dark and into the light. It teaches us how to shape that which is unformed and give it the form we desire, how to enter the void and stir the energies to manifest what we most need.

The Norse tradition

Odin, the Norse god, had two ravens, Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory), who would fly out each morning and return in the evening to report on events in the world. Odin himself would sometimes shapeshift into a raven. Ravens are spectral messengers, bearing the weight of untold visions and prophetic whispers.


The great Goddess Morrigan

Morrigan teaches us to be ready for initiation and to choose our battles wisely in life. She represents sensuality, magic, and prophecy, offering prosperity, sovereignty, and a connection to the land. Through chaos, darkness, and transformation, she helps us summon the strength to right wrongs, letting go of the old and outdated so that we can emerge from the dark, through the mist, into rebirth and sovereignty. You can learn more about the Morrigan in the Awakening the Dark Goddess program.


When You Journey with the Raven, Ask:

Shamanic journeying is direct communication with the spirit world—an ancient practice. It is simple to learn and offers a deep connection to your intuition and inner wisdom. It builds confidence and autonomy in your inner power, strengthening your knowledge of who you are. Here are some suggestions for journeying with the Raven Spirit:


Ask Raven to activate the energy of magic, linking it with your will and intention.

You may journey to the raven as a teacher and ask to be shown what lies within you—how to find the magic in your life and align it with your intention and will.

Shadow healing

You may journey to the raven spirit to receive help as you venture into the dark, confronting your shadow and initiating deep healing and transformation.


Call on the raven for protection. It will come and cloak you in its dark embrace.

Dismemberment Journey

Call on the raven for healing in a dismemberment journey. Dismemberment is a profound purification process that releases and cleanses what no longer serves you, resetting your vibration and energy. We teach dismemberment in the How to Journey – Advanced course.

The raven has the ability to teach you how to stir the magic of your life without fear. Each of us has a magician within, and the raven can show you how to bring that part of yourself out of the dark and into the light.

Going on a shamanic journey

Going on a shamanic journey

No need to travel miles and pay a plane ticket to travel… It is possible to make a shamanic journey from your home and go very far! Indeed, because a shamanic journey will not lead you to a tourist destination, but to unsuspected places of your subconscious where you will be able to seek your own answers to the questions you ask yourself or the challenges you face… You will not be disappointed by the journey offered by this shamanic practice that has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. On the contrary, you will want to go back again and again since it is a destination where you feel nourished by the strength of your intuition and can reconnect you with your inner wisdom.

What is a shamanic journey?

A shamanic journey is a very ancient practice found in different spiritual traditions. It is an active visualization technique that brings answers to the questions we ask ourselves in our lives and to the challenges we face, by entering directly into communication with the spirits of everything that lives around us. For everything around us has a spirit. Whether it is plants, animals, elements and even places… everything! In contact with these spirits, we enter a non-ordinary reality that brings an understanding of who we are… in the ordinary reality. It is in this very place that we connect to our inner wisdom and regain confidence in our intuition, as all answers lie within. The shamanic journey is an excellent tool for consciously connecting with the world of the invisible and learning to listen to the signs and messages it sends us.

The shamanic journey:

  • connects to the spirit world.
  • allows us to communicate with our inner voice.
  • awakens our intuition.
  • develops self-confidence by finding our own answers.
  • helps us to better manage our life and relationships.
  • supports our life path.
  • brings healing.
A shamanic journey will not take you to a tourist destination, but to unsuspected spaces in your subconscious where you can get your own answers to questions you have or challenges you face.

What is a shamanic journey like?

Making a shamanic journey is accessible to everyone. This visualization practice can be done alone with the help of an individual treatment online or in person, or with a video recording in the courses HOW TO JOURNEY – INITIATION and HOW TO JOURNEY – ADVANCED also offered online or in person. It can also be experienced as a group in the circles that we regularly organize on Zoom and in person. They constitute a powerful sacred space where each person has his or her own personal place while being in relationship with the other people present. If you encounter possible learning curves at the beginning, these will fade away with time as you gain confidence.

Some basic principles of the shamanic journey:

  • A shamanic journey lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.
  • It is supported all along by the sound of the drum.
  • It is done in a quiet place where you will be comfortably settled.
  • It is recommended to use an eye mask.
  • You will take time to formulate your question or intention.
  • You will be invited to travel through the Lower, Middle and Upper worlds, which differ from each other in their energy and vibration, as well as the kind of guides found there.
  • You will take a moment for yourself to settle down and welcome what is there.
Want to learn more about the shamanic journey? Get issue #2 of the Wisdom of the Witch publication.
The shamanic journey helps us to feel perfectly at home in the world we live in and to find that inexhaustible source of inspiration within us.

When to do a shamanic journey?

Often, we wait for a situation to arise in our life to turn to shamanic journeying. However, this visualization practice can be used on a regular basis, without waiting until we are out of breath. In ancient times, all adult members of the community journeyed regularly to get answers to their questions. However, when we are affected by an event in our lives, it is an opportunity to shed light on what we are going through.

Questions or challenges that can be answered by the shamanic journey:

  • A conflicting relationship that we are experiencing with a family member or loved one.
  • A physical discomfort for which we wish to understand the emotional reasons.
  • Mental or physical fatigue.
  • A lack of happiness or self-confidence.
  • A question about a future action to take.
  • A need for renewal.
  • A request for healing.
  • A teaching to be received on a specific subject.
  • A cleansing of non-beneficial energies
  • A contact with our power animal or spiritual guide.
Through the shamanic journey, you will develop your communication with the invisible world and reconnect to your intuition. You will connect to your own source of healing in order to better manage your life. You will feel perfectly at home in the world you live in, connected to your inexhaustible source of inspiration.
The visualization practice of the shamanic journey is a tool that is at the heart of all the training offered by AwakeningTouch online or face to face, whether it is through the wisdom of the seasons, the shamanic journey itself or the journey to the heart of the image. This tool, accessible to all, opens a door to the non-ordinary reality – that of the spirit world – which is part of our lives but which we are not always aware of. Connected to this dimension, we can live our lives to the fullest and with confidence, knowing that the world of the invisible constantly supports us on our path.