Simply Natural all year round – Summer


A collection of seasonal favorites

10 in stock

SKU: SNAR-02 Categories: ,


And here they are, your heroes, your favorites, chosen by our customers, again and again. Put together into a seasonal collection with additional special products which are available only in the subscription boxes.

All products are selected to give your skin exactly what it needs for each season. The subscription boxes contain all full-size original products.


  • St. John’s wort oil 60m*
  • Lavender and tea tree essential oil 10ml
  • Hydrating Body lotion – Grapefruit 250ml
  • Face Mist – rose floral water 60ml*

*Products exclusive to the seasonal subscription boxes
Depending on availability some changes might be made to the content of your box, not however to the value.

I love to have my skin care kit ready to go. Each season puts different demands on my skin. I prepared these seasonal boxes to make sure my skin gets all the support and to enjoy some change in my routine.




This box is a beautiful gift for your friends and a must for your own home spa supplies.

Available as a year subscription delivered directly to your home at the beginning of each season.


Product approved by Health Canada


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