Persephone’s embrace – Autumn Equinox

Persephone’s embrace – Autumn Equinox

This autumn season feels particularly vibrant and potent to me. With the full moon closely followed by the equinox and the universe throwing some eclipses into the mix, we could be forgiven for holding on a little tighter to steady ourselves against the spiral of energy moving. Already, autumn demands true focus and a generous heart presence to navigate the seasonal transformation.

At the threshold of the sacred journey

With water being the dominant element this season, we know that accommodating and acknowledging emotions is a must if we want to maintain our energy levels and keep our vibrational frequency high. For me, it is the second year now that I am journeying through this season with the support of and in communication with the dark goddess wisdom—the archetypes that hold the ancient knowledge of the sacred feminine. I am preparing to hold space, once again, for the Awakening the Dark Goddess journey group for women, a six-month program from Samhain to Beltane.
Last year, I was so excited by the new experience that I dove in headfirst, without really thinking, just excited and impatient to meet my favorite goddess archetypes. This year, I have to admit, as I stand on the threshold of the sacred journey, I feel like taking a deep breath to summon the courage to, once again, step into this deep communication with her and myself. This year, I feel she will take me deeper into her wisdom and demand just one level more of trust, courage, and honesty. I sense some deep shadow work will be added to my personal journey.
So, who else but Persephone could be the one leading us into the journey?

The myth of Persephone

The myth of Persephone centers on her abduction by Hades, the god of the underworld, and her role as both goddess of spring and queen of the underworld. Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of harvest, is taken by Hades to be his wife. In her grief, Demeter causes the earth to wither and become barren, leading to the first winter. Eventually, a compromise is reached: Persephone spends part of the year in the underworld with Hades and the other part above ground with her mother.
Her return each spring symbolizes the renewal of life and the changing seasons, while her time in the underworld represents death and dormancy. This myth explains the cycle of the seasons, with Persephone’s dual role embodying the balance between life, death, and rebirth.

Persephone’s transcendence aligns symbolically with the autumn equinox, a moment when the balance of light and dark shifts, mirroring her descent into the underworld. As the equinox marks the tipping point toward longer nights and shorter days, Persephone’s journey into the depths of Hades represents a spiritual passage into the inner world, where darkness and reflection reign.

Her transcendence is not merely a departure but a profound transformation, as she assumes her role as queen of the underworld.

The autumn equinox reflects this shift, where nature retreats, preparing for the quiet introspection of winter. Together, they symbolize the soul’s movement into deeper wisdom, cycles of life, death, and rebirth, and the invitation to embrace the shadows in order to understand the full spectrum of existence.

On the 22nd day of September, the celestial scales are recalibrated, as the autumnal equinox suspends time in a fleeting dance of light and shadow. For but a breath, the cosmos hangs in perfect equilibrium. It is here, at this liminal crossroads, that Persephone lingers at the veil of the underworld. Her gaze cast behind her, the delicate hesitation conjures the equinox itself. Yet, as her vision descends into the depths and her foot descends upon the threshold, the cosmic balance tips, and the reign of darkness begins. In that instant, summer dissipates like a forgotten dream, and the ancient Wheel turns, heralding autumn’s dominion. Shadow deepens, and the power of night takes command over all living things.


The time has come for the soul’s descent into its own shadowed depths.

Whether or not we are conscious of this journey, winter calls us forth, challenging us to engage with its ancient symbols, cryptic archetypes, and unspoken truths.
The cyclical pulse of the cosmic wheel beckons—perhaps commands—our passage alongside Persephone, down the spiral stairway. Year after year, we must journey into our own darkness, for it is only through this exploration that the soul may ascend and evolve.

Persephone emerges from the depths not merely as a queen, but as a priestess of profound power and sacred authority. She carries within her the esoteric knowledge of the highest occult mysteries, possessing intimate understanding of the eternal cycle—life, death, and rebirth. She embodies this cosmic rhythm, and in doing so, reveals that all women are the living essence of this vast mystery.
Her wisdom is drawn from the earth itself, rooted in the tangible world of the body. Like the secret mysteries held by women throughout time, Persephone’s knowledge flows through her physical being, reflecting the sacred connection between the body and the soul’s deepest truths.

Awakening the dark Goddess

The ancient myth of Persephone, Demeter, and Hecate weaves a primordial thread through the soul of every woman, serving as a sacred key to her inner journey. It is a tale that beckons all women to descend into its depths, uncovering its hidden wisdom as a guide toward self-realization. By unraveling the veils of constructed identity, dissolving the illusions of persona, she glimpses the eternal essence of her authentic self—and through this revelation, she beholds the veiled mysteries of reality itself. This is the journey of embodied wisdom all women are called to take. The Awakening the dark Goddess program is aligned to this purpose. .

I invite you to dip into the ancient wisdom of the earth, a gift offered to us during this sacred turning of the seasonal wheel.

How then shall we stand before this new season? Where shall we fix our gaze, and where will our intuitions find their compass? What sacred acts might we perform to synchronize our being with the rhythm of the turning world?

Sisters, Mothers, Crones, women in leadership and on the path of sovereignty, this is your invitation. AWAKENING THE DARK GODDESS is a journey into the sacred wisdom, to bring to life all of the Goddess you are. To reclaim the wild, the free, the deep, the raw, simply natural – YOU, unapologetically.




Hecate – the triple goddess

Hecate – the triple goddess

Hecate is a triple-bodied goddess in ancient Greek mythology, most often shown holding a pair of torches, a key, accompanied by dogs and the snake. She is associated with liminal spaces, entrance-ways, night, light, magic, witchcraft, the Moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery.

She enjoys all favors of Zeus. The midwife at his birth Hecate saved the child from the curse of his father (Cronos) by assisting Rea (mother of Zeus) in tricking her husband and thus protecting the life of the child. This act of trickery resulted in a war between the younger generation and the older gods. In this battle Hecate fought with the titans and also alongside Zeus in support of new ways against the old.

Hecate – Goddess of liminal space

Hecate is a complex and multifaceted goddess, and her worship has evolved over time. She is most known as the goddess of liminal spaces who presides over thresholds, gates or doorways. A crosser of boundaries. Holding a torch in either hand she shines the light into the darkness, giving us access to a clear vision and any the knowledge which lies hidden. She is often associated with various aspects, including magic, the moon, and the underworld. Different traditions may emphasize different spiritual characteristics of Hecate, but here are some commonly recognized aspects:

  • Triple Goddess: Hecate is often depicted as a triple goddess, representing the three phases of the moon (waxing, full, and waning), as well as the three realms (earth, sky, and sea). This symbolism emphasizes her role as a deity of transitions and transformation.
  • Goddess of Crossroads: Hecate is strongly associated with crossroads, both literal and metaphorical. Crossroads are seen as places of choice and decision-making. As the goddess of crossroads, Hecate is believed to be able to see all directions simultaneously and guide individuals through life’s choices and transitions.
  • Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft: Hecate is considered a powerful figure in magic and witchcraft. She is often invoked for spells, divination, and rituals, particularly those involving the spirit world. Her association with magic extends to her role as a mediator between the realms of the living and the dead.
  • Protector of the Marginalized: Hecate is sometimes seen as a protector of the marginalized, including women, children, and those who exist on the fringes of society. In this role, she is compassionate and provides guidance and support to those in need.
  • Psychopomp: Hecate is associated with guiding souls to the afterlife. As a psychopomp, she helps the deceased transition from the world of the living to the underworld. This aspect of her character highlights her role in facilitating spiritual journeys and transitions.
  • Moon Goddess: Hecate is often connected to the moon, and some see her as a lunar deity. Her association with the moon ties her to cycles, intuition, and the mysteries of the night.
  • Chthonic Goddess: Hecate has ties to the underworld and is sometimes considered a chthonic deity. This aspect of her character emphasizes her connection to the earth and the unseen realms.

In times of transition Hecate can help you, give you force and courage and energy to let go of the old and bring in the new.

Hekate’s blessings

I have had contact and received the blessing of Hecate’s medicine many times and for many years now.

The best way of getting to know her strength and how she can inspire you in your life is to journey to and with her. Shamanic journey is a form of direct revelation, creating confidence in our inner journey and the way we receive messages. It is a wonderful way of receiving the blessing and learning from all spirit and archetypes in the non-ordinary reality.

When I journey to the wisdom of Hecate, she reveals to the vast space she holds. Most importantly she holds this space across boundaries, between worlds and into opposites.

She therefore IS the doorway to the unknown and the hidden.  She opens the doors between the worlds and allows us the vision into infinite possibilities.

In my journey I see the Hecate wheel to be the roadmap for our journey in life. That which holds the matrix.

In the upper world she opens the heavens and allows us communication with our ancestors. In the lower world she shines light into the dark corners of our being. There were we find our hidden powers.

She encourages us to open our mind, to open our perception. To walk with one food in either world. It is she who will teach us to lead the magic flood into our ordinary reality.

Symbols associated with Hecate

The Hecate wheel or labyrinth. Blueprint and roadmap to find our very own personal way to bring forth our unique gift.

Snake spirit. The snake spirit is seen in many images of Hecate and represents her power of rebirth and transformation.

The triple moon symbol. Representing her power to hold space over multiple spaces building a bridge.

She is always seen with dogs, representing companionship.

The athame (dagger) represents the power of ritual.

We learn through experience. Therefore, I encourage you to journey to Hecate. Ask her for teachings, meet her energy, witness her power.

Inviting her wisdom

Hecate is one of the important goddesses we journey with in the ‘Awakening the Dark Goddess’ journey circle. You can honour Hecate by giving offerings – preferably at crossroads in nature, chanting her name, lighting a candle. Here are some ideas on how to connect with her.

You may call on her when:

  • You need to give equal space and attention to opposite opinions
  • You need clarity and shine light into dark inaccessible places, physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally.
  • You need doorways to open. Doorways into a new world, new believes, new ideas, new journeys, new opportunities. She will bestow you with courage and trust and vision.

Working with Hecate is about remembering your deeper connection to the mother goddess, reclaiming the sacred feminine within you and connecting to the earth and your roots.

May the Blessing of Hecate be with you in your prayers and journeys and at each crossroad and bring magic to your altar space and rituals.

I would love to hear your comments on your experience with Hecate in your life and what rituals she inspires in you.