The program WISDOM OF THE SEASONS offers you the teachings of the pagan medicine wheel by following the cycles of nature. The ancient traditions understood the importance of living in tune with the cycle of the seasons. When we allow ourselves to be in tune with this wisdom, we are able to connect to a deeper knowledge within ourselves. Through this experience we have access to the sacred and the magic in our life.



Each season has its own characteristic energy, which we can observe in nature. By tuning into each season, you will be able to connect to a deeper knowledge of yourself. With this experience you have access to the sacred and the magic in your life.

It has been more than 30 years that I am walking the medicine wheel.

Each cycle has revealed more magic and wisdom than I could have ever imagined. Every spiritual practice that I have learned and every healing technique that I have studied has fitted harmoniously into this path of discovery of the divine wisdom of Nature and its cycles. This wisdom is available to all of us if we allow ourselves to be present, conscious, observe and learn.

The system of the medicine wheel teachings and the wisdom of the seasons take their root in the sacred divine consciousness. It is all inclusive and everybody can find their place. It is a path of direct communication with the Divine.

It is my privilege to share my experience of this sacred journey of life with you. It is my prayer that you will be finding your answers in the sacred dance.

Gita Nicola Schneider


How does it works ?

As soon as you buy the program, you have directly access to the Introduction module.

Your walk on the Medicine Wheel path will begin :

Once the portal is open for the next season, you will have access to the corresponding module and the following modules will be revealed according to the Celtic seasonal calendar.