Welcome to the magic world of the unseen reality
These audios are about journeying into non-ordinary reality, about creating your reality and about building trust in that which we cannot see yet know to be true.
These compilations of recordings are treasures of a journey in communication with the non-ordinary reality. You find visualisations, guided journeys, and messages from Gita on subjects inspired in the countless circles and programs. Meeting spirit guides, connecting to archetypes and goddesses. You will find inspiration on plant medicine and the infinite wisdom held in the teaching of the Wisdom of the seasons and nature’s wisdom codes.
The intention is to open sacred circle in communication with spirit, to inspire and be inspired, to witness and be witnessed. To discover and remember.

Guided journey vs traditional shamanic journey
I want to make a distinct difference between guided journey and a traditional shamanic journey. Both versions have their place in our inner inquiry.
To begin let me state the 2 fundamental goals of shamanic practice.
- Cleanse, remove, release energies which no longer serve you.
- Bring back your power. This includes, remember who you are, retrieval of fragmented soul parts due to stress and trauma, healthy boundaries and many more.
Shamanic journey is a process of direct revelation. We journey from ordinary reality to non-ordinary reality for healing, teaching, understanding and communication with the spirit world and the divine wisdom. Direct revelation means that it is a communication between yourself and spirit (no intermediary needed). The way you will perceive the messages and the final interpretation of those messages is deeply personal and leads to a position of total sovereignty (independence from the opinion of others and deep knowledge of who you are). The technique is simple and easy to learn. Once understood it is a question of gaining experience and confidence through repetition. The traditional shamanic journey is an individual experience, carried by a sound carrier (often the drum) and the supportive energy of a group, in a group events.
GUIDED shamanic journey is a similar setting, however the leader of the journey will talk you through the journey. Your thoughts and images will be directed, and you will follow a story to get specific messages. These is a very different experience to the traditional journey, for which the intention is set before and each person journeys on their ‘own’ with the support of drum. The images received will be very different and VERY personal.
Both forms have their place, and both are a wonderful way of communicating with spirit, getting inspiration, and receiving healing.
It is, however, my hope that you will allow yourself to experience both forms. That you will take the step and get to know how spirit communicates with you individually, away from previously set out journeys. It enhances your confidence in your inner vision and ability to guide and perceive messages and teachings.
Here in this section, I have shared many guided journeys. The traditional shamanic journey technique can be learned in the Introduction to shamanic journey – course and learned and experienced in the journey circles. In all my courses we journey in the traditional way. Together we set an intention. You, then will learn how to set an intention and ask questions to spirit and how to interpret the messages you receive.
Awakening the inner wisdom
Choose from the following recordings and let yourself be guided by spirit.
Shamanic drumming with call back
This is a recording of drumming for shamanic journeying with call back. Original drumming with my moose healing drum.
Connect & Center
Use this short visualisation to start your morning reflection or meditation, to connect and center before a shamanic journey.
Transition – guided visualisation
This is a guided visualisation. You are invited to enter a reflection on the process of transitioning.
What supports this process and what hinders it.
Sacred Circle Opening – Calling The Directions
Calling the 7 direction to open a sacred circle is a traditional way of beginning any ritual, circle, ceremony or gathering.
Healing Cave Of The Bear
The bear medicine is deeply respected in many traditions.
Strength, survival in harsh conditions and solitary nature are just some of the wisdom the bear offers us.
Meet The Goddess Cailleach
Samhain Portal shamanic journey. Samhain is known as the pagan new year and the beginning of the winter season. It is the midpoint between autumn equinox and winter solstice and with that the portal into the journey of the sacred dark and the invitation to connect to the sacred feminine.
Visualisation: confirming Healthy Boundaries
Regular connection to your aura will allow you to establish an awareness of what is happening, how your energy changes and which areas might be difficult to hold.
Visualisation: Portal of Imbolc – visualisation
This visualisation will invite you to ‘collect’ you gifts and step into the portal of Imbolc and new beginnings.