The journey to the heart of the image, a communication with your soul
Another technique that AwakeningTouch uses in communicating with the world beyond is SoulCollage®. It combines an artistic practice accessible to all, through the creation of collage cards, with a reading of who we are. Founded by Seena B. Frost, this powerful method develops creativity and intuition, encourages self-discovery and provides personal guidance for walking our life path.
SoulCollage® promotes an inner process based on the image that becomes the intermediary to allow our soul to reveal itself quite naturally. We discover through these instinctively designed collage-cards the landscape of our soul, with its symbols and also the personal mysteries we hold. These cards serve as portals to communicate with our soul and discover its richness.
Gita and Karine Ayotte are organizing a in person workshop where SoulCollage® is combined with the shamanic journey technique. This will allow you to put into images the vision obtained in the non-ordinary world and to deepen its reading. Guided throughout the process in this sacred space and supported by your spirit guides, you will be able to dive with confidence into the depths of your soul to bring its mission to light and be inspired to incarnate it in your everyday life.

“Magic happens when you see your inner voice manifest in everyday life in such a creative way.”
“All parts of you and your experience are valuable. The medicine which lies in images allows you to encounter the vast resources of your being with a creative mind.”
In person workshop
The keys of awakening
- Communication with your soul
- The awakening of your creativity
- An experience of the shamanic journey technique
- Learning the SoulCollage® technique
- The creation of collage cards
- A reading of your soul
- Opening up to the invisible and developing an intimacy with the subtle world
- Meet yourself in all its depths
- Regain power over your life

Exploring a creative way to communicate with your soul

This workshop takes place in Val-Morin.
Next workshop:
Date to be confirmed
From 10 am to 4 pm