Awakening the Dark Goddess, activate the divine feminine

Awakening the dark goddess, a journey into the sacred wisdom

In this new 6-month container AwakeningTouch offers you a sacred space to strengthen your practice and experience the Self in a new way.  Through the stories of the Dark Goddesses and shamanic journey into their wisdom you will activate your Lunar goddess and sacred feminine. We have been made to fear the dark. Darkness has been given the connotation of negative even evil forces. We have been told to fear the Dark Goddesses and their power, as they bring change and transformation even destruction. And yet, all life is born from the dark, the spark of creating the new is born in the depth of the sacred dark womb and it is there that we discover the power of the sacred feminine. Journeying with the dark goddesses is an invitation to renew the bond with your inner landscape and activate the divine feminine. We live in urgent times, this shared future requires women to rise, step into their power and lead. The world needs your medicine and your wisdom. Moments of togetherness will allow you to weave the sacred into our own life.

“In today’s world, one of the most valuable benefits of the shamanic journey is to regain confidence in our inner wisdom.”

Online program

From SAMHAIN 2024 to BELTANE 2025 this 6-month online journey will take you into the sacred dark and meet the wisdom of the Lunar Goddesses. We will gather the golden threads of the ancient knowledge and weave them into everyday embodiment of who you are. We get to go deep. We get to build brilliant experiences. This is for women who are willing to dive deep. Gita will share with you the teachings of the Dark Goddesses, how to build sacred space and inspire daily ritual. By saying yes, you will join the sacred circle of women.

The Awakening

  • Releasing shadow behaviour
  • Rewiring old believes
  • Reclaiming your sacred goddess


  • Connecting to the goddess archetypes
  • Strengthen your inner journey experience
  • An experience of initiation
  • Awaken your sacred feminine
  • Deepening of the practice
  • Expanding knowledge and practice on journeying


  • Journeying with the dark goddess archetypes
  • Raise awareness of your personal patterns and how they show up in your life
  • Meet the Goddesses, holding past – present – future
  • Get in touch with your inner voice
  • Develop self-confidence by finding your own answers
  • Feel perfectly guided by the spirit world


Journey to renew the bond with your inner landscape & the sacred feminine. The program is a direct experiential journey to reclaim and integrate the often misunderstood aspect of the dark feminine.



With purchase

You will have access to the schedule of the live journey groups. You get immediate access to your bonus course, Shamanic Journey – How to journey INITIATION and other resources, by logging into your AwakeningTouch account from the top right menu (LOG IN). If this is your first course purchase on our site, you will receive an email invitation to create your AwakeningTouch account. The course will begin with Samhain 2024. Fortnightly, we will be meeting for journey group (recorded if you cannot attend). We’ll be journeying with a goddess archetype and additional material will be available to support your ongoing journey between the meetings. All material will be added as the program progresses and available for the duration of the program.

The program begins Samhain (Wednesday 30th October and finishes on Beltane 1st May)

Fees: $600+ tax*

In person journey circles

This new 6-month container offers you a sacred space to strengthen your practice and experience the Self in a new way. Access your shadows – rebirth & celebrate your light. From SAMHAIN to BELTANE. We get to go deep. We get to build brilliant experiences. We get to do great stuff. Your life will be changed!

The Awakening

  • Expanding knowledge and practice on journeying
  • Connecting to nature’s archetypes
  • Journeying with the dark goddess archetypes


  • Meet the Goddesses holding past – present – future
  • Strengthen your inner journey experience
  • Raise awareness of your personal patterns and how they show up in your life


  • Listen to your inner voice and connect to your intuition
  • Develop a regular practice and autonomy
  • 1-day immersion
  • Build your sacred bundle
  • Sacred ritual


We will meet in regular journey group and sacred circle to share and be witnessed. I will share with you inspirations and deepening material to continue your journey in the time between the in-person sessions. Some evening may be co-hosted by others to enhance your journey experience.



This circle is offered in Val-Morin. We meet 3 times per month for a in-person journey group. And a 1 full day workshop beginning of February.

Fees: $600 + tax
The dates for the in-person program will be announced in October of each year. Please contact us to register your interest.

Individual treatment online and in person

Gita welcomes you for an individual shamanic healing in Val-Morin to help you with a specific need in your life. We carry within us blocks or energetic “knots” caused by various traumas or life stresses. In response, we have developed subconscious defense mechanisms that prevent us from having power over our lives. During this gentle and non-invasive treatment, you will gather information that will bring understanding to the origin of your blockages, which will facilitate a powerful healing process, helping you regain your power, the harmony within you and the ability to walk on your life path with a lighter step.

Individual treatment

An individual meeting to free yourself energetically

A preconsultation by phone, online or in person A 2-hour appointment online or in person in Val-Morin
Fees: $120 + tax
Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Visit our online store to celebrate your life journey.