Gita, the medicine woman of AwakeningTouch
AwakeningTouch was inspired by Gita Nicola Schneider with the intention of offering a sacred space for women and men to connect with the ancient knowledge from which many of us have gotten disconnected. Everything we need is available to us, but we have forgotten the importance of living in harmony with nature and our surroundings. When we connect to the teaching of the seasons and mother nature and when we invite sacred moments into our daily routine, we bring magic back into our life.
A medicine woman trained in complementary medicine and having a gift of vision since her childhood, Gita carries a Celtic heritage. Travelling extensively throughout the world she gained knowledge of different traditions and received many teachings. She is a true initiator, providing a sacred space for each person to listen to their inner voice, develop their autonomy, recognize their talents, and find their place in their life and community.
Passionate about plants and plant medicine, Gita creates her own recipes for a range of natural skin care products, grows her own sacred plant medicine, creates handmade ritual tools and has put together her famous seasonal ritual boxes that are a meaningful gift to give to oneself or to people we care about. Her ability to listen, her understanding and her sense of community make her an ideal guide for your journey to connect to your true nature, whether it be through wisdom of the seasons, shamanic journey, the journey to the heart of the image or the publications Wisdom of the Witch.

“Join me in co-creating our reality and community, filling our daily life with sacred moments and ritual.”
What inspires us

The Celtic tradition
The Celtic tradition is a nature based practice inspired by paganism and magic. This tradition is characterized by a profound respect for Nature. Deities and fairies are important, but so are the elements – Earth, Air, Fire and Water – each of which is associated with energies, plants, crystals and a cardinal direction, as well as the Sun and the Moon. Sacred plant medicine is also used in healing, rituals and ceremony.

The medicine wheel
Present in different cultures, the medicine wheel symbolizes the circle of life. It represents the cycle of the seasons in connection with the different animal, vegetation, and mineral kingdom as well as stages of life. Each direction opens a new door to awakening self-knowledge and connecting with the universe at large. This powerful tool reminds us that we are all interrelated. A beautiful tool of self-reflection and inspiration.

Earth medicine
Mother Earth gives us everything we need to live, to feed and to heal ourselves. She offers us many gifts through the thousand and one treasures that she generously puts at our disposal. Each plant has its own medicine which, if used consciously, will support our life journey. It is up to us to open ourselves to the spirits of the plants and to communicate with them!
What motivates us

AwakeningTouch offers a sacred and secure space where each person can find the confidence in his or her talents to dance his or her life journey in beauty and fully share his or her gifts with others.
We provide a touch of awakening so that each person reconnects to his or her inner wisdom, finds his or her place in the circle of life and participates in building a community where we share our common values in simplicity and joy.
The following values inspire us:

We choose to source as much as possible from local suppliers and support small businesses. We offer refills for several of our natural skin care products, we encourage zero waste and offer free shipping if you return your empty containers to us.

The Journeys
In addition to online and in person coaching, we share our experience and knowledge of ancient knowledge through our publications Wisdom of the Witch and our inspirations to give you ideas you can easily put into practice in your life. We encourage everyone to find their own way by adding their own ingredients to their recipe that will make your life journey joyful.

The journeys and products we offer aim to develop the independence of every individual. Each person is invited to reconnect to their inner wisdom, to connect to their power and creativity. When we strengthen our confidence and take responsibility we make informed choices, allowing us to share generously with others.

We value community. Each person has unique gifts that are shared and that help us work together. Sharing our knowledge is nourishing. We work with both local and international collaborators to support people who, like us, have this sense of community at heart.

We pay particular attention to quality, whether it is through the support we offer, the manufacturing of our handcrafted products or the relationship we have with you and our collaborators. We carefully select our ingredients and materials and add a good dose of love which makes all the difference!